My Trauma is Named REDACTED (Revised - PDF)


CONTENT WARNING - This book discusses issues regarding, but not limited to; Trauma, Abuse, Manipulation, Mental Health, Gaslighting, and many related topics.

This is the story of the (ongoing) worst year of my life, the trauma I have suffered, and My Abuser. It is told through the lens of common manipulation and abuser tactics, including Red Flags and the Cycle of Violence, so it might help someone deal with their trauma or recognise their own abuse.

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REVISED EDITION - Now including a foreword by a Mental Health Professional and some minor error corrections.

As it was approaching the end of the first year to what I considered the start of my downfall, I was emotionally unstable and breaking down a lot. To help track these, and possibly see if there is any link to my medication, I started to take selfies. I continued to do this throughout October 2023 with a view to do something with it, potentially a Photo Book, but over time I saw that there was a potential for something more with this project. Combining what I learn about my trauma and how it linked to abusive tactics and the signs I experienced throughout, I decided to use my story as a lens to show people how someone can manipulate and hurt you, even if you’ve they are someone you’ve known and trusted for twenty years… and fell in love with. My only hope is that it at least helps one person recognise that they might be going through something similar and seeks help, it might finally be worth the cost I had to pay

This book is being release for free so it can be copied and shared to anyone you think might need it. .

All photos, graphics, and text in this book are copyright S Haynes 2023, unless overwise stated.

All Facebook and Messenger related images are probably copyright Meta 2023, but are used for educational purposes, and therefore are protected under Fair Use (plus screw Zuck and people like him).

This work is released under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0).

All reproductions and adaptations must be credited to ‘Painting With Night Photos’ for non-commercial purposes only. Any and all adaptations and/or remixes of this work must follow the same identical license and carry this information but does not in any way suggest the author endorsees your use unless given written consent.

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