Failure is still always an option…

I’m planning on doing some more writing about my current brain goblins and creativity, but ironically I just can’t think of what to type. I’m trying to flex some creativity and/or productivity through this dark period and so I was hit with a little inspiration… sort of.

I was at Officeworks grabbing a couple of things and I saw a stack of coloured paper with a thick gsm and I thought, “Huh, why not give this a shot at cyanotype?” I should have listened to the warning bells in my head thinking with probably wasn’t the best paper for this, but screw it you never know until you give it a shot… and it worked out about as well as I thought it would.

The paper just didn’t have the structure like the field pad or the double sided inkjet paper I’ve tried before and practically disintegrated as I was washing the emulsion off. I tried to tray wash the grey piece and just hand tap washed the brown, and it just started to fall to pieces.

However like any experiment it’s all about what you take away from it. My take away is that I now want to research coloured paper with the same characteristics of the other paper or start experimenting with different processs; i.e. working with a pre-printed piece and applying emulsion, etc.

Failure is always an option, it’s what you learn from it is what counts.



Creating through depression…